WCR’s yearly donation has helped the BC Cancer foundation reach its 20 million dollar fundraising milestone. Proceeds for the weekend to end breast cancer continue to fund innovative research, treatment, and prevention programs. To learn more, or donate, please visit www.endcancer.ca

Wayne Darby, President of WCR has been supporting the Richmond Minor Hockey team since 1982. As a supporter of the Adopt-a-Team program, the sponsorship helps assist our kids in areas such as player development, coaches training, new jerseys, player subsidies, as well as giving a means for children of all ages and abilities to play ice hockey. We are very proud to be apart of an association that is geared towards sportsmanship and fundamental life skills. www.richmondminorhockey.com

WCR is a compassionate contributor to the worlds’ largest and most trusted provider of social services, reaching out to those most in need. Being apart of Canada’s Ethical Code Program, The Salvation Army believes that Transparency and Accountability is essential to its success. Please join us and donate what you can or your time at www.salvationarmy.ca

this non profit organization is funded primarily by Public donations, and WCR is proud to be apart of the financial support needed to prevent animal cruelty and promote animal warfare. Speak for those who can’t. Please join us and help at www.spca.bc.ca

As long time members, we play a vital role in the shaping of the BC economy on issues relating to transportation, economic and workforce development, community safety and international trade.

WCR holds a yearly charity auction to raise money in support of The Automotive Retailers Foundation Inc. (ARFI). ARFI is a registered charitable foundation in Canada. The mission of the ARFI. is to “engage in the receipt of donations and to conduct charitable activities in Canada for the purpose of advancing education and relieving poverty in Canada, specifically with respect to the automotive trades sector”. Among its other activities, the ARFI provides for bursaries and scholarships to aid students and prospective students in automotive trades training. The bursaries aid low-income individuals enrolled in a post-secondary automotive repair and service training-program. The scholarship(s) recognizes and awards academic achievement.